Hamrell's Cardiovascular Physiology,
Text and E-Resource
Burt. B. Hamrell, M.D., Ph.D.
“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
- Claude Bernard -
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Hamrell BB (2016) John Paul Jones: An Overlooked Autopsy Finding That May Explain His Terminal Illness. J Forensic Sc 61: 540-544
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murine Coxsackievirus myocarditis: Myocardial remodeling in the absence of necrosis or hypertrophy. Eur Heart J 16 Suppl O: 31-35
Hamrell BB (2001) The basic science foundations of clinical medicine: introducing beginning medical
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Alpert NR, Hamrell BB (1976) Cardiac Hypertrophy: a compensatory and anticompensatory response
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Hamrell BB, Alpert NR (1985) Experimental myocardial hypertrophy. In: The Ventricle, edited by H
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Hamrell BB, Alpert NR (1986) Cellular basis of the mechanical properties of hypertrophied
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Huber SA, Hamrell BB, Knowlton KU (1997) Lessons from Animal Models of Viral Myocarditis. In: Role of Immune Mechanisms in Cardiovascular Disease, edited by H-P Schultheiss and P Schwimmbeck. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 35-43
Teaching Publication
Hamrell BB (1999) The basic science foundations of clinical medicine: a course that facilitates
independent learning in the basic sciences. Presentation at the Fourth Biennial Conference of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, 17 to 20 July, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Barrett et al., Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd ed., McGraw-Hill Lange Textbook, 2010. Authored iPod clinical cases - Medical PodClass - and explanations of multiple choice questions with each chapter.
Cardiovascular Physiology, A Test and E-Resource for Active Learning. Oxford, CRC/Taylor and Francis. 2018, In Press